
  • CWE ID
  • 197
  • CWE Name
  • Numeric Truncation Error
  • CWE Abstraction
  • Base
  • CWE structure
  • Simple
  • CWE Status
  • Incomplete
Truncation errors occur when a primitive is cast to a primitive of a smaller size and data is lost in the conversion.
Extended Description
When a primitive is cast to a smaller primitive, the high order bits of the large value are lost in the conversion, potentially resulting in an unexpected value that is not equal to the original value. This value may be required as an index into a buffer,
Related CWEs
CWE ID View ID Nature Ordinal
681 1000 ChildOf Primary
681 1305 ChildOf Primary
681 1340 ChildOf Primary
195 1000 CanAlsoBe
196 1000 CanAlsoBe
192 1000 CanAlsoBe
194 1000 CanAlsoBe