
  • CWE ID
  • 196
  • CWE Name
  • Unsigned to Signed Conversion Error
  • CWE Abstraction
  • Variant
  • CWE structure
  • Simple
  • CWE Status
  • Draft
The software uses an unsigned primitive and performs a cast to a signed primitive, which can produce an unexpected value if the value of the unsigned primitive can not be represented using a signed primitive.
Extended Description
Although less frequent an issue than signed-to-unsigned conversion, unsigned-to-signed conversion can be the perfect precursor to dangerous buffer underwrite conditions that allow attackers to move down the stack where they otherwise might not have access
Related CWEs
CWE ID View ID Nature Ordinal
681 1000 ChildOf Primary
681 1305 ChildOf Primary
681 1340 ChildOf Primary
124 1000 CanAlsoBe
120 1000 CanAlsoBe
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