
  • CWE ID
  • 363
  • CWE Name
  • Race Condition Enabling Link Following
  • CWE Abstraction
  • Base
  • CWE structure
  • Simple
  • CWE Status
  • Draft
The software checks the status of a file or directory before accessing it, which produces a race condition in which the file can be replaced with a link before the access is performed, causing the software to access the wrong file.
Extended Description
While developers might expect that there is a very narrow time window between the time of check and time of use, there is still a race condition. An attacker could cause the software to slow down (e.g. with memory consumption), causing the time window to
Related CWEs
CWE ID View ID Nature Ordinal
367 1000 ChildOf Primary
59 1000 CanPrecede