
CVSS V2 None CVSS V3 None
In ConnectWise Control through 22.9.10032 (formerly known as ScreenConnect), after an executable file is signed, additional instructions can be added without invalidating the signature, such as instructions that result in offering the end user a (different) attacker-controlled executable file. It is plausible that the end user may allow the download and execution of this file to proceed. There are ConnectWise Control configuration options that add mitigations. NOTE: this may overlap CVE-2023-25719.
  • CVE ID
  • CVE-2023-25718
  • Assigner
  • Vulnerability Status
  • Modified
  • Published Version
  • 2023-02-13T20:15:11
  • Last Modified Date
  • 2023-03-05T20:15:08
CPE Configuration (Product)
CPE Vulnerable Operator Version Start Version End
cpe:2.3:a:connectwise:control:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:* 1 OR 22.9.10032
Created Old Value New Value Data Type Notes
2023-04-17 07:38:58 Added to TrackCVE
2023-04-17 07:38:59 Weakness Enumeration new